Sunday 18 September 2016

My Top 7 Movies

Hey guys,

So this week I decided to do something simple, yet something I get asked quite a lot as an aspiring actress. This is my top 10 movies - which are not necessarily the most popular, but the ones that I love the most, whether they be a family movie or a very adult movie. These are not in a particular order, because I find it impossible to put my favorite films in order. So here you are!

#1: Shawshank Redemption
This movie definitely makes my top 10 because of the harsh reality it brings when talking about prisons in the 1940's. It tells the wonderful story of Andy Dufresne and how he was wrongly accused of murdering his wife. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are two amazing actors who beautifully play the two convicts. If you haven't yet seen this, I 100% recommend it.

'Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'. - Andy and Red

#2: Cast Away
Cast Away tells the story of a man who crash lands onto an island, and it shows what it takes to survive. Emotional and heart warming, this movie hits my top 10 movies because Tom Hanks does a beautiful job of showing what it is like being alone with no one to talk to - and nothing but an island and you.  

'I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide will bring?' - Chuck

#3: Mrs Doubtfire
A fun, family feature that is a comedy, yet very touching. This is, in my books, an all time classic - Robin Williams really shows off his acting skills from the number of voices he gives throughout the movie. This is a wonderful story of a man who's marriage fails and he is forbidden to see his children he adores, so he disguises himself as a Nanny with the name: Mrs Doubtfire.

'Help is on the way dear!' - Mrs Doubtfire

#4: Bicentennial Man 
When I think about this film, I describe it as 'beautiful' because it reminds me of the importance of human existence. This is set in the future, and is about a robot called Andrew who is not like any other robot that has been made. Andrew has human features; he enjoys building things and loves children. He appears to have real emotions. This story takes the audience on a journey with the unusual android and the things that he experiences. It is a film that you will laugh and cry at, and even get frustrated with. Robin Williams plays the character of Andrew wonderfully (can you tell he is one of my favorite actors).

'Terrible wars have been fought where millions have died for one idea - freedom. And it seems that something that means so much to many people would be worth having.' Andrew

#5: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
This movie is the finale of The Lord of the Rings which is, by far my favorite movie seasons to watch. It is thrilling, scary, funny, dangerous and violent. This particular film is my favorite because it is extremely emotional and you are taken on a journey with Frodo, Sam and Gollum. I could sit here and talk for hours about why this is the best out of all three but I won't because I will end up giving the ending away. Let me just say, it is that type of film to watch on a rainy/poorly day where you have nothing better to do than spend twelve hours watching The Lord of the Rings saga. So if you haven't already, go and watch it!


'I am glad that you are here with me Sam. Here, at the end of all things.' - Frodo Baggins

#6: The Fault in our Stars 
This movie was going to make it into my top 10 -  simply because I am a sucker for teenage romance. This isn't any old romance movie though, it is inspirational, beautiful and not only one of my favorite films but one of my favorite books. I hope that in the next ten years, GCSE students won't be studying Of Mice and Men (even though I loved it) but that they will be studying this incredible tale that tells the story of Hazel and Augustus that were created by John Green. This story inspires me to keep going, because there are people who are more unfortunate than I am. You are guaranteed to laugh, cry and even get angry at some of these characters. I describe it as 'pure genius' because it talks about Cancer in a way that most of us don't hear about. So go and watch it (read the book first)! 

'Okay? Okay.' - Augustus and Hazel

#7: Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump can be described in three words: Honest, Funny and Brave. This film has always been one of my favorites because Forrest's character is one of the most memorable characters of all time. This film is amazing because it tells the story of one man, who we, as the audience watch him grow up from a young boy up to a mature, sensitive man. The film itself is hard to explain, it is one of those 'must watch' movies. 

'My Momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.' - Forrest Gump

Thanks for reading guys, have a fabulous week!

Rosie x