Saturday 3 December 2016

New beginnings

Image result for bad year 2016 memeSo. 2016 is almost over and I just wanted to say a few quick things about this year. As you might agree, this has been a tough year for all of us. But seeing as 2017 is coming round quickly, I think it's about time I started making some new years resolutions. I've never taken them that seriously but there are some real, genuine things I want to for 2017.

- Write fortnightly blog posts (I'm sorry guys!)
- Start photography
- Don't worry about what people think about me
- Be able to do the splits by Christmas 2017
- Start a making singing videos for YouTube.

They won't all be done at once, but they will  be done. I think that this time of the year is so important because you not only get to look back on the year you've had, but you get to look at the year you are going to have. I know it sounds cliche but it's the truth. Just think: what you've done this year can be completely turned for the year to come. I don't know about you, it hasn't been the easiest - GCSEs, loosing friends, Brexit, and most of all, Bowie passing away.

But the last few months have been a huge roller-coaster. Ever since results day, I have had people I never even imagine enter my life. I am finally studying what I have always wanted to do and am loving every second of it. I have a new baby cousin on the way. I have an awesome family. I have awesome cats. A bright future. So here's to 2017 - new beginnings. New stories to tell. New people to meet. New achievements.

See you in a couple of weeks.
Rosie x

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