Sunday 3 July 2016

A Little bit about Me!

Before I start anything, welcome to my brand new blog that I am very excited about. So if you're here, you may as well stick around because in five years time  (hopefully when I have many readers) you can be the one to say: I've been here since day one!

I'm not really the one to talk a lot about myself because I am your average teenage girl who hides in her bedroom eating sweets and watching Netflix. But seeing as you're here, I may as well tell you a bit about myself. I have a huge passion when it comes to musical theatre, which is a profession I aspire to be apart of when I'm older. Acting and singing, especially, are things that I am confident in and feel more chic than geek when participating in shows or organisations that include musical theatre. The picture on the left is me recently in a show that I was in, I was a chimney sweep in a number from the Broadway version of Mary Poppins. As it happens, in September I will be enrolling at Milton Keynes College to start my course 'Performing Arts' which I cannot wait to begin because it means I won't be doing pointless algebra or learning about how many cells there are in a leaf :p.

I have two cats, one who is just over one and another who is still a kitten. These cats are named Lottie (the older one) and Caspar (the Kitten) who play constantly and get on each other's nerves. They are great to have around the house and makes the Wilkinson household that little bit more lively - and creates my Mum and I hilarious entertainment.

I'm the youngest of three, my Sister being 12 years older and my Brother being 10 years older. I know, huge age difference right? My mum describes us as 'surprise packages'. In other words, we weren't planned. This doesn't bother me because I've had the best upbringing, and a great childhood. Now I'm starting to enter womanhood (which is terrifying) makes me appreciate just how much my Mum does for me - and how lucky I am to have her. I would describe my family as not unusual but eccentric. Myself for example, doesn't really give a crap of other people's opinions; I used to, but after being judged for whatever I did, I thought I may as well do what makes me happy - which is being a crazy cat lady. That's your advice for the day: do what you want, as long it makes you happy :D.

I am a people person. I will happily talk or say 'hi' to people I don't know because I love people. Being an aspiring actress, I love to watch people (not stare at them) but pick up on different personalities and interpret them as what they may be feeling and use them when taking on certain roles (haha is this turning into a piece of Drama coursework?). I wouldn't say I was entirely shy, but I would say I choose my friends wisely (something I have learnt over the past five years) because you never know who will come into your life!

Thanks for reading, I hope you can stick around and join me on this crazy, exciting, terrifying adventure, I will be posting every Sunday. See you next week!

Rosie x