Sunday 10 July 2016

Musical Theatre - YAY or NAY?

I loved going to see
Wicked with my older brother :)
So if you have already read my first post, you probably would have gathered that I am very passionate when it comes to the performing arts - particularly musical theatre. When people learn this about me, they are confused and often say: 'aren't musical theatre plays normally consist of gay people prancing around on a stage?' I'm quite used to remarks like this but recently it has been bothering me because this is a profession that is extremely hard to get into! A lot of hard work, time and effort: every single person out there performing on a west end stage was not born talented - they took the time and the effort, and probably at times when training, wanted to give up their dream because their way to the top was so tense.
An absolute classic, something
I wish to see in the near future!

Another thing people often ask me is: 'Why musical theatre? Out of all the things that you can do with your life, why this?' I like to answer by saying because it is the only thing in my life that I feel fulfilled in when doing it. Yes, I love writing and yes, I love cooking; when doing musical theatre I can release a lot of emotion, whether it be sad or happy. Not only are you acting in musical theatre, you are also dancing. Dancing is a form of exercise - which is said to build self esteem, as well as reducing you risk of stress and depression (ha is this turning into a science lesson?)!

Matilda was my first musical,
after that, I knew I loved it!
Not only do I love going to Arts1 to enhance my skills in musical theatre, but I love going to London to watch the best plays there are to see in the west end. I've only recently finished my exams. To celebrate the end of school, my older brother treated me to a weekend in London. Long story short, he surprised me with Wicked tickets - a show I've been wanting to see for about two years now. My Brother HATES musicals - and I can tell you now that he didn't like Wicked. The point I'm trying to get at is he was happy to go to a play he knew he was going to hate: all for me. This is because he knows how serious I am about performing in the West End one day.

I went to see Miss Saigon last year,
truly incredible!
When singing Musical Theatre songs, I love to feel the character's emotions. In Arts1 right now, I am preparing for the Cabaret for our end of year project. The song I'm doing this year is a song from the Musical In The Heights - it is called Everything I know. The song explores the feelings that a person experiences when grieving for someone that they have lost (If you feel like having a good cry, I recommend this song! When I listened to this song for the first time, it brought back powerful memories that I had forgotten about; it brought back the memories of people I have lost. This is why musical theatre is so powerful; it triggers memories and feelings that people may have not thought about or remembered.

So I want to know: after what I've just talked about, do you still think that people in the west end are just actors and actresses prancing around on a stage for money? Let me know in the comments below! I love writing this blog, it helps me express my feelings and opinions :). Have a fabulous week!

Rosie x

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