Monday 29 August 2016

What's been going on?! ~ a lil' update for you :)

Hey guys, just a quick one to say sorry for not updating my blog for the past few weeks. I have just been SO busy with so many things! Heres a little update:

It was my Aunty's wedding, who I was bridesmaid for (I am the one in the mint green dress) which was amazing - a day full of love and happiness. So of you're reading this Aunty Helen and Uncle Neil - congratulations!!!

It was a day that gave the whole family to get together, because you and I know that families are HUGE and it takes big events like - oh - I dont know a wedding to make that happen ;)

Then I went to soul survivor which was amazing and I made loads of new amazing friends (including this noob). I loved every second of it and can't wait for next year. It was a time of spending time with close friends and making relationships closer.

And ever since I came back from Soul Survivor, all I have been doing is getting ready for college which starts in one week! I'm beyond excited and can't wait to start this new chapter with new people. I can't wait to start doing something I love - and not do something that involves learning how many cells there are in a leaf haha (even though I have to resit maths). So from next Sunday, we will have normal blog posts. Sorry again it's been so long!

Rosie x

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