Saturday 3 December 2016

New beginnings

Image result for bad year 2016 memeSo. 2016 is almost over and I just wanted to say a few quick things about this year. As you might agree, this has been a tough year for all of us. But seeing as 2017 is coming round quickly, I think it's about time I started making some new years resolutions. I've never taken them that seriously but there are some real, genuine things I want to for 2017.

- Write fortnightly blog posts (I'm sorry guys!)
- Start photography
- Don't worry about what people think about me
- Be able to do the splits by Christmas 2017
- Start a making singing videos for YouTube.

They won't all be done at once, but they will  be done. I think that this time of the year is so important because you not only get to look back on the year you've had, but you get to look at the year you are going to have. I know it sounds cliche but it's the truth. Just think: what you've done this year can be completely turned for the year to come. I don't know about you, it hasn't been the easiest - GCSEs, loosing friends, Brexit, and most of all, Bowie passing away.

But the last few months have been a huge roller-coaster. Ever since results day, I have had people I never even imagine enter my life. I am finally studying what I have always wanted to do and am loving every second of it. I have a new baby cousin on the way. I have an awesome family. I have awesome cats. A bright future. So here's to 2017 - new beginnings. New stories to tell. New people to meet. New achievements.

See you in a couple of weeks.
Rosie x

Monday 3 October 2016

Things I Know to be True - play review

*Disclaimer* if you are wanting to see this play, don't read it because there are spoilers! I promise there will be a normal blog post next week, I just wanted to share my college work with you all!

Things I Know to be True – review by Rosie Wilkinson

        On Wednesday 21st September, I went to go and see Frantic Assembly’s play Things I Know to be True at Lyric Hammersmith theatre in London, written and produced by Andrew Bovell. To describe this play in one word I would say it was ‘shocking’ because it reveals shocking truths that the Price family have to reveal.

        The set, at the beginning, is empty, up to the point where Rosie is performing her monologue about her heartbreak while on her European adventure. She talks about going back home and describes her back garden. As each item is mentioned, it is brought out and set in place as the background. The interesting thing about this set is that it never changes because everything happens in the back garden, symbolizing ‘home truths’ and unbelievable family revelations.

        Physical Theatre is a huge element in this play – particularly in Rosie’s monologue when she describes how it felt to be in love. Other cast member picked her up to convey how weightless she felt when with her lover. This was effective because it not only made the image fascinating to watch, but made the audience picture how happy, at the time the character felt.

        However, although this is an emotional play it also has moments of humor which, I my opinion is vital when there are sad moments (particularly the ending). This is because it lightens the mood and encourages the audience before another bad part comes along. This is effective as it makes the audience think ‘maybe this time there will be a good part coming up’ or ‘maybe the ending will have a happy one’. I believe they did this to make shocking moments be shocking to the audience, because if they all come at once then the audience will just be expecting bad news – making the purpose of the play pointless.

        On the other hand, to create mood and effect, lighting has a big impact on the mood in each scene. In the play, there’s a point where Bob and Fran are dancing which shows how strong their marriage is and how, even when there is so much going on, they can still be loving and romantic towards each other. The lights above are lit a bright gold to represent the warm gold, glowing feeling they feel when together. It exposes the romance in an intimate way; the audience are able to be with them in this peaceful moment, aside from all the tragedies and worry. They also use lighting when a sad moment is happening – particularly when Fran dies in a tragic car accident and all of the children discover the death of the woman who loved them dearly. They put spotlights on each child as they say their part; no other lighting on the stage, just transfixed on them. I believe this is to represent how closed in they feel, with no mother to comfort them, to give them advice and to love them. It conveys how they feel alone with their thoughts and how they feel like they have no one to confide to anymore, because that person is gone and for the first time, they are without a mother.

        Monologues take a big chunk out of the play for a reason, to make you feel closer to the character and understand their situation more because with each story (apart from Rosie’s) there is conflict with the parents. It enables the audience to have a positive look upon the character. An example of this is the character Pip, where she explains, in her monologue how she is unhappy with the way her life has turned out and how she does not love her husband, and more importantly how she is going to leave him and her two daughters. This makes you sympathize and condone her actions – which is confusing because there is no excuse for anyone to leave their children to do what they want to do. But because of Pip’s powerful and persuasive monologue, this enables the audience to pity her and disagree with her Mother who strongly disagrees with her leaving her husband and daughters to live in Canada to follow her career and not stay and raise her family to be stronger and happier.

        Proxemics was obvious in the style of the theatre piece to convey relationships and situations. An example of this is the relationship between siblings Mark and Rosie – the closest relationship in the family. This was shown through how close physically they were together. However, when Mark reveals he wants to live life as a woman and because he hasn’t confided in Rosie, she stands far away from him – implying that she no longer knows the brother she was close with.

        To conclude, this play makes the audience question their own family situations and wonder what it would be like to lose someone so close to them as fast as the Price family lost Fran with no warning. I also enjoyed the conflict that were presented that other families face every single day, like when Mark revealed himself as a transgender. However, the incredible physical theatre that was involved communicated the different scenarios that were given to the audience. With shocking revelations, important messages and morals to follow, Things I Know to be True give humor and sadness giving audience members an important message: Is it possible to love too much?  

Rosie x

Sunday 18 September 2016

My Top 7 Movies

Hey guys,

So this week I decided to do something simple, yet something I get asked quite a lot as an aspiring actress. This is my top 10 movies - which are not necessarily the most popular, but the ones that I love the most, whether they be a family movie or a very adult movie. These are not in a particular order, because I find it impossible to put my favorite films in order. So here you are!

#1: Shawshank Redemption
This movie definitely makes my top 10 because of the harsh reality it brings when talking about prisons in the 1940's. It tells the wonderful story of Andy Dufresne and how he was wrongly accused of murdering his wife. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are two amazing actors who beautifully play the two convicts. If you haven't yet seen this, I 100% recommend it.

'Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'. - Andy and Red

#2: Cast Away
Cast Away tells the story of a man who crash lands onto an island, and it shows what it takes to survive. Emotional and heart warming, this movie hits my top 10 movies because Tom Hanks does a beautiful job of showing what it is like being alone with no one to talk to - and nothing but an island and you.  

'I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide will bring?' - Chuck

#3: Mrs Doubtfire
A fun, family feature that is a comedy, yet very touching. This is, in my books, an all time classic - Robin Williams really shows off his acting skills from the number of voices he gives throughout the movie. This is a wonderful story of a man who's marriage fails and he is forbidden to see his children he adores, so he disguises himself as a Nanny with the name: Mrs Doubtfire.

'Help is on the way dear!' - Mrs Doubtfire

#4: Bicentennial Man 
When I think about this film, I describe it as 'beautiful' because it reminds me of the importance of human existence. This is set in the future, and is about a robot called Andrew who is not like any other robot that has been made. Andrew has human features; he enjoys building things and loves children. He appears to have real emotions. This story takes the audience on a journey with the unusual android and the things that he experiences. It is a film that you will laugh and cry at, and even get frustrated with. Robin Williams plays the character of Andrew wonderfully (can you tell he is one of my favorite actors).

'Terrible wars have been fought where millions have died for one idea - freedom. And it seems that something that means so much to many people would be worth having.' Andrew

#5: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
This movie is the finale of The Lord of the Rings which is, by far my favorite movie seasons to watch. It is thrilling, scary, funny, dangerous and violent. This particular film is my favorite because it is extremely emotional and you are taken on a journey with Frodo, Sam and Gollum. I could sit here and talk for hours about why this is the best out of all three but I won't because I will end up giving the ending away. Let me just say, it is that type of film to watch on a rainy/poorly day where you have nothing better to do than spend twelve hours watching The Lord of the Rings saga. So if you haven't already, go and watch it!


'I am glad that you are here with me Sam. Here, at the end of all things.' - Frodo Baggins

#6: The Fault in our Stars 
This movie was going to make it into my top 10 -  simply because I am a sucker for teenage romance. This isn't any old romance movie though, it is inspirational, beautiful and not only one of my favorite films but one of my favorite books. I hope that in the next ten years, GCSE students won't be studying Of Mice and Men (even though I loved it) but that they will be studying this incredible tale that tells the story of Hazel and Augustus that were created by John Green. This story inspires me to keep going, because there are people who are more unfortunate than I am. You are guaranteed to laugh, cry and even get angry at some of these characters. I describe it as 'pure genius' because it talks about Cancer in a way that most of us don't hear about. So go and watch it (read the book first)! 

'Okay? Okay.' - Augustus and Hazel

#7: Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump can be described in three words: Honest, Funny and Brave. This film has always been one of my favorites because Forrest's character is one of the most memorable characters of all time. This film is amazing because it tells the story of one man, who we, as the audience watch him grow up from a young boy up to a mature, sensitive man. The film itself is hard to explain, it is one of those 'must watch' movies. 

'My Momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.' - Forrest Gump

Thanks for reading guys, have a fabulous week!

Rosie x

Monday 29 August 2016

What's been going on?! ~ a lil' update for you :)

Hey guys, just a quick one to say sorry for not updating my blog for the past few weeks. I have just been SO busy with so many things! Heres a little update:

It was my Aunty's wedding, who I was bridesmaid for (I am the one in the mint green dress) which was amazing - a day full of love and happiness. So of you're reading this Aunty Helen and Uncle Neil - congratulations!!!

It was a day that gave the whole family to get together, because you and I know that families are HUGE and it takes big events like - oh - I dont know a wedding to make that happen ;)

Then I went to soul survivor which was amazing and I made loads of new amazing friends (including this noob). I loved every second of it and can't wait for next year. It was a time of spending time with close friends and making relationships closer.

And ever since I came back from Soul Survivor, all I have been doing is getting ready for college which starts in one week! I'm beyond excited and can't wait to start this new chapter with new people. I can't wait to start doing something I love - and not do something that involves learning how many cells there are in a leaf haha (even though I have to resit maths). So from next Sunday, we will have normal blog posts. Sorry again it's been so long!

Rosie x

Sunday 10 July 2016

Musical Theatre - YAY or NAY?

I loved going to see
Wicked with my older brother :)
So if you have already read my first post, you probably would have gathered that I am very passionate when it comes to the performing arts - particularly musical theatre. When people learn this about me, they are confused and often say: 'aren't musical theatre plays normally consist of gay people prancing around on a stage?' I'm quite used to remarks like this but recently it has been bothering me because this is a profession that is extremely hard to get into! A lot of hard work, time and effort: every single person out there performing on a west end stage was not born talented - they took the time and the effort, and probably at times when training, wanted to give up their dream because their way to the top was so tense.
An absolute classic, something
I wish to see in the near future!

Another thing people often ask me is: 'Why musical theatre? Out of all the things that you can do with your life, why this?' I like to answer by saying because it is the only thing in my life that I feel fulfilled in when doing it. Yes, I love writing and yes, I love cooking; when doing musical theatre I can release a lot of emotion, whether it be sad or happy. Not only are you acting in musical theatre, you are also dancing. Dancing is a form of exercise - which is said to build self esteem, as well as reducing you risk of stress and depression (ha is this turning into a science lesson?)!

Matilda was my first musical,
after that, I knew I loved it!
Not only do I love going to Arts1 to enhance my skills in musical theatre, but I love going to London to watch the best plays there are to see in the west end. I've only recently finished my exams. To celebrate the end of school, my older brother treated me to a weekend in London. Long story short, he surprised me with Wicked tickets - a show I've been wanting to see for about two years now. My Brother HATES musicals - and I can tell you now that he didn't like Wicked. The point I'm trying to get at is he was happy to go to a play he knew he was going to hate: all for me. This is because he knows how serious I am about performing in the West End one day.

I went to see Miss Saigon last year,
truly incredible!
When singing Musical Theatre songs, I love to feel the character's emotions. In Arts1 right now, I am preparing for the Cabaret for our end of year project. The song I'm doing this year is a song from the Musical In The Heights - it is called Everything I know. The song explores the feelings that a person experiences when grieving for someone that they have lost (If you feel like having a good cry, I recommend this song! When I listened to this song for the first time, it brought back powerful memories that I had forgotten about; it brought back the memories of people I have lost. This is why musical theatre is so powerful; it triggers memories and feelings that people may have not thought about or remembered.

So I want to know: after what I've just talked about, do you still think that people in the west end are just actors and actresses prancing around on a stage for money? Let me know in the comments below! I love writing this blog, it helps me express my feelings and opinions :). Have a fabulous week!

Rosie x

Sunday 3 July 2016

A Little bit about Me!

Before I start anything, welcome to my brand new blog that I am very excited about. So if you're here, you may as well stick around because in five years time  (hopefully when I have many readers) you can be the one to say: I've been here since day one!

I'm not really the one to talk a lot about myself because I am your average teenage girl who hides in her bedroom eating sweets and watching Netflix. But seeing as you're here, I may as well tell you a bit about myself. I have a huge passion when it comes to musical theatre, which is a profession I aspire to be apart of when I'm older. Acting and singing, especially, are things that I am confident in and feel more chic than geek when participating in shows or organisations that include musical theatre. The picture on the left is me recently in a show that I was in, I was a chimney sweep in a number from the Broadway version of Mary Poppins. As it happens, in September I will be enrolling at Milton Keynes College to start my course 'Performing Arts' which I cannot wait to begin because it means I won't be doing pointless algebra or learning about how many cells there are in a leaf :p.

I have two cats, one who is just over one and another who is still a kitten. These cats are named Lottie (the older one) and Caspar (the Kitten) who play constantly and get on each other's nerves. They are great to have around the house and makes the Wilkinson household that little bit more lively - and creates my Mum and I hilarious entertainment.

I'm the youngest of three, my Sister being 12 years older and my Brother being 10 years older. I know, huge age difference right? My mum describes us as 'surprise packages'. In other words, we weren't planned. This doesn't bother me because I've had the best upbringing, and a great childhood. Now I'm starting to enter womanhood (which is terrifying) makes me appreciate just how much my Mum does for me - and how lucky I am to have her. I would describe my family as not unusual but eccentric. Myself for example, doesn't really give a crap of other people's opinions; I used to, but after being judged for whatever I did, I thought I may as well do what makes me happy - which is being a crazy cat lady. That's your advice for the day: do what you want, as long it makes you happy :D.

I am a people person. I will happily talk or say 'hi' to people I don't know because I love people. Being an aspiring actress, I love to watch people (not stare at them) but pick up on different personalities and interpret them as what they may be feeling and use them when taking on certain roles (haha is this turning into a piece of Drama coursework?). I wouldn't say I was entirely shy, but I would say I choose my friends wisely (something I have learnt over the past five years) because you never know who will come into your life!

Thanks for reading, I hope you can stick around and join me on this crazy, exciting, terrifying adventure, I will be posting every Sunday. See you next week!

Rosie x